NAPSW Regional Liaison Positions

Serving as a regional liaison is a wonderful opportunity to help NAPSW grow and to be a resource for local NAPSW members or to members of the community at large wanting more information about NAPSW, perinatal social work practice, standards or other helpful information. Read the information below to learn more about these roles.  Want to know if there is an opening in your region?  Click here to view a regional map and a list of current regional liaisons and open spots.  For more information, contact the NAPSW Vice President.

Responsibilities of  Regional Liaisons

The base of NAPSW network lies in the role of the regional liaisons. It is important that we have all regions represented so that we as an organization can gather representative information for its members. If you are interested in serving as a regional liaison or state rep, please contact the NAPSW vice president for more information and to sign-up. 

The duties of the regional liaisons are listed below. 


  1. Reach out to colleagues in your area to tell them about NAPSW. Ideally, contact several perinatal settings a year (especially during our March recruitment campaign) to provide information about NAPSW and relay names and addresses of interested parties to the membership committee. Reach out to your other Regional Liaison colleagues or to the NAPSW Vice President if you are not sure how to begin or want ideas on how to do this.
  2. Work to identify and maintain state/provincial contacts for your region and keep the vice president aware of any changes or additions.
  3. Respond to requests by the Forum Editor for requests for member input when member surveys are sent out. Note: you do not need to respond if the question is not relevant to you. Hearing what is going on in other regions allows us to network and learn from one another.
  4. Post information you think would be helpful to members in your region regarding events, policies, new programs and other happenings in your state or province to the NAPSW Listserv.
  5. Assist the vice president and the Nominating Committee in identifying members who wish to become more involved by becoming a committee member, nominee for the board of directors or a regional liaison.
  6. Attend the yearly national conference as you are able and coordinate with members in your region, if you are able. This is especially helpful during the business meeting or other conference times when members are seated by region
  7. Remain a paid member of NAPSW during your tenure.