How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment to improve the world. — Anne Frank
NAPSW supports efforts to improve the lives and outcomes for every family and every baby. Please follow us to learn what you can do to support best outcomes and practices.
As social workers, whether at the direct service, management or policy level, we tirelessly advocate every day to make a difference. NAPSW members focus these efforts towards a vulnerable time of life, the perinatal period. We convene to strengthen our individual efforts and practices but as a collective, we have the power to influence change on the broadest levels possible.
While NAPSW does not endorse political candidates or positions, respecting the diversity of opinions among its members, NAPSW informs about opportunities to get more involved should members wish to support a policy that promotes healthy outcomes for families and babies. Check back often to get the latest news on NAPSW's advocacy efforts! For questions or suggestions on areas for advocacy, please contact the NAPSW Advocacy Committee.
Advocacy Starts at Home
Want to make change and advocate in your work place? NAPSW has the tools to support you. Check out our own NAPSW Code of Ethics and Standards For Best Practices.
Social Action and Advocacy News
Advocacy Resources
Visit the March of Dimes Action Center to take action for moms and babies today.
Want to advocate but uncertain to whom you should advocate? USA.Gov has links to find your elected representatives from the federal to local levels.
National Healthy Mother, Healthy Baby Coalition
The National Healthy Mother, Healthy Baby Coalition (HMHB) offers a Maternal and Child Health webinar series. The link to the following educations on how to increase your advocacy skills for prematurity when collaborating with legislators.
Webinar 16: NPIHC 2013 Summit Webinar: Collaborating with Legislators to Advocate for Prematurity
Legal Momentum — The Women's Legal Defense and Education Fund
Legal Momentum leads action for the legal rights of women. Legal Momentum's targeted litigation, education, policy advocacy, and research help to shape the laws and policies that affect gender equality and ensure that they are properly implemented and enforced. Click here to learn more on how to get involved and access their webinars. Click here access their map their interactive State by State Map of Pregnancy Discrimination Laws, Breastfeeding and Leave Rights. Click here to access information on federal pregnancy discrimination laws.
National Coalition for Infant Health — Promoting Access for Premature Infants Through Age Two
The National Coalition for Infant Health (NCfIH) educates and advocates on behalf of premature infants from birth to age two. NCfIH provides a variety of advocacy and awareness tools for families and health care professionals. Members can receive updates from NCfIH on health policy issues related to premature infants and their families.
Center for Budget and Policy Priorities
The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities is a nonpartisan research and policy institute. They pursue federal and state policies designed both to reduce poverty and inequality and to restore fiscal responsibility in equitable and effective ways. They apply our deep expertise in budget and tax issues and in programs and policies that help low-income people, in order to help inform debates and achieve better policy outcomes.
National Association of Social Workers Action Center
The National Association of Social Workers in Washington, DC, is the largest membership organization of professional social workers in the United States with 130,000 members. It has a network of Chapters in all 50 states, plus the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. NASW seeks to enhance the well-being of individuals, families and communities by promoting, developing and protecting the practice of social work and social workers. Click here to sign up for the NASW Advocacy Listserv.